
Kamis, 06 Desember 2007

Digging in for the facts

George Knapp, an investigative reporter for KLAS-TV in Las Vegas, Nevada has been diving into the UFO enigma for nearly two decades. He senses there's a big-time story worthy of shoe leather and digging in for the facts--but are we any closer to resolving the UFO question?

"No, not at all, not even close," Knapp told "UFO researchers have compiled a vast treasure trove of information, including photos, videos, eyewitness statements, government documents, and physical traces from alleged landing sites, along with radar reports, and a lot more. Much of this evidence is compelling and has withstood the knee jerk, almost perfunctory, and unscientific 'explanations' that are routinely tossed out by a small but reliable cadre of diehard debunkers."

After nearly 60 years of research by well-meaning but under-funded individuals and organizations, there is only one point on which all of the researchers can agree, Knapp suggested. "An elusive, unknown intelligence is operating within our midst. If we assume for the moment that some UFOs represent an 'alien' civilization, we still can't answer the three basic questions--Who are they? Where are they from? Why are they here? Anyone who has a definitive answer to those three questions is either a liar, a huckster, delusional, or one of 'them'," he said.

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